I can't help it. I'm not clinghy, i just loves Insan so much! =D Its a crazy love story we're writing, you would be overwhelmed or find it mindblowing but what we care more, is what we have for us. Why am i saying all this? He's having his duties today, which simply means, no use of handphone, no long calls, might means no dropping by, late replies & of course, loneliness. Indeed, sounds like he's the only one that can make me smile. Well, thats not true! I am happy in school, its just.. This special kind of happiness is whats different from the happiness i had, with everyone else. You gave me a smile, he's giving me the same smile + permanent picture in my mind.
Should i tell you our love story?
Perhaps, next time. Well, i'm just.. Taking him out of my mind instead of allowing myself to die, missing that darling soldier. *hugs* Byebye, empty ranting over here, so unglam.