And recreate a place as my own world.
Good news is, my filming is all settled! =D Bad news is, i'll spend my next week in the cold cold lab, editting videos. Prolly camping in there for hours everyday. (laughs) Whats good is that i can't believe that i actually finished my DVDE assignment. The fact that i don't pay attention to lectures about camera shot angles etc, i will regret not listening to it at all, which i did, even abit. Glad that i read up about them all, after lessson from the BlackBoard. So who says lectures are all bullshits. HAHAHAHAH.
Anywayyyyy, i've been swimming much these days around the evening & its good because your skin wouldn't get burnt. (laughs) & godddd! Bless me alot to scrap through the bboy routine. Its not because of my butt, fucking guys! *grins* Its my shoes! My shoes, my shoes, my shoes!
Till then. Run along now! XOXO,N!