Cost for 2 blades : $24 Place : East Coast Park Weather : Rainy season. Things needed : Long socks & your guts for accidents is unforeseen. Duration : 2 blissful hours.
She's a show off! When she decided that she don't need any guards on her. Screw you! Basically, she skates well. (Laughs) I'm just gonna get my unglam moments any minute later ,while blading.
Still doing good. =DDBear in mind a few things now. Its rainy when we skates (one of your dumb ideas.), i'm on guards, which is totally disturbing actually. Jamie is busy with her cameras, ready to capture any unglam minutes, & i'm independently blading.
We say that the tyres are there because M threw it over from the ships on our right, in the sea.HAHAHAHAHAH. & you know, because i'm clumsy, the moment i lay my blades inside the tyres, Jamie was stunt. You should see the look on her face. Of course, 70% of the time, we were busy laughing at each other.
" Don't ya just loveeeeee the breeze on the beach with a WET WEATHER? ":D She just needs more wind. HAHAHAHAH. & i wonder how she pauses there. Also, she could jump up with those blades. How sick is that! What makes you think i can, huhh? "-____________- " I just cannot stop the blades from moving! " Totally candid, totally unglam. (giggles) Had some balance, over there. :) Ah see! This is one shot of my accidents happened, on that day. I didn't actually agreed for the snap, but she was busy laughing away while " I wanna take of a shot of this! Don't move ah, don't move ahhhh. " It was nothing much. I was practically trying to learn how to speed up, & when i did, seeing Jamie slowing down, I didn't panicked, but somehow my direction goes to the side, & BAAAAANNNGGGG! Almost through the bush, but nope. Did not. First fall, was pretty painful & a shock to my system? (laughs) Butt ache, ankle sprain & little scratches.
In Japan. What do you think? :P
I didn't just fall once, if you wanna know. Well, the second time i fall, was totally flat, dropped forward. & Jamie always goes, " I did tell you that the skating rink is wet. I gave you millions of warnings. Don't say i didn't. " The time when we first got off from the renting shop, i couldn't hold my balance just yet & she goes, " Stop screaming! I'm here! I'll hold youuuu! ". HAHAHAHAHAH. :D Loved it, it was seriously fun. & damn that cockroach which climbs up a woman's leg while she washes her hands. XOXO. Labels: unglam moments