21st Febuary, Saturday, is pretty much a veryyyyy eventful day. Guess what? MDIS Street Dance Competition falls on that day. Zhenghua CC's performance is on that day, & i'm dancing. Earlier this morning, i got an offer to dance at somewhere which i wasn't notified yet. Yes, that day as well. =(=(=( So how?
As for me, my heart tells me, " If i could make it for 2 out of 3, its awesome. " Unfortunately, 2 out of 3 is during the evening. So, i'm suppose to choose one. Its all about dancing hehh, that day? Goodness! (Laughs) Well, why don't events be held during the weekdays! Sickening! "-________________- & i think its because only i am having longggg holidays, not them. (Its been 4 months now, & i swear its frustrating.)
& makcik alus biadap, thanks for the concern. I'll try your advice. You don't want me to have headaches, i know. Awwwww~ =DDDDDDDDDDLabels: priorities