Devastating like this.
Its awesome to be well-known. Its glorious to be well-liked! Some thing needs to be tested, a thing that impressions ain't much an accuracy. But sometimes, i'd rather be with someone i truly like, than being with someone who can give me everything i'd always needed. Since the grey days, people believe that good things comes when you wait. Unfortunately, this thing might not even come real. So, don't you wait for love, for as far as i'm concern. Its somewhat indirectly forcing a feeling out of the heart. Serious. Think about it.
As i was walking home after dance prac just now, when i alighted the bus, i was listening to the song " I'd rather. " I'm not sure who sang it, `cuz Ahza sent it to soothe my ears. HAHAHAH! =P His intention was to put me to sleep, if i could recall correctly. Anywayyyyy.. That song, it got me thinking about how things are like, for me, at this very moment. How much people would have feel that i'm a nice person, i'm sorry for overtaking the role of a magnet. " I'm a human magnet! " "-_____________- I superly appreciates every single love from anyone like my friends, acquaintances. I can't type it down about how the feeling is, but its something i cannot replace with tickets to England, no matter what. Perhaps being rejected as a lover is super hurtful, is it? I don't know. One thing i for sure can confirm its fact! Is that rejecting a love, isn't intentional. Its honesty from deep within. Serious. Thus, never blame the 'rejector' who pushes away the whole-hearted love you're ready to give. Never, okay? Good people. =)
This may appears to be a random thing, but i'm in a state where i must think wisely, honestly, & carefully, in making a decision. May hurt, which i am still thinking about the outcome if ever i chose that ONE decision. I wanna be.. You know. Harmless, in making a move. Its gna involve feelings, & its something a day, by right, isn't enough to think carefully about something. If you're a nice person, i'm sure no nice person wants anyone to have a pinch of devastation. Ahhh, now i've got to say this. " Nobody is perfect in this world. ". "-_____- No joke, even if i've said it, it still sounded stupid & silly to me. :O Gaaaahhh! Lets put a time-out to that for today. I'm kinda beat, actually. Tired mentally. Not saying that i'm moody today but.. (lost for words)
Lets watch 'Army Daze' again, shall we? We shall. =(Labels: airhead